March 9, 2025

No shampoo Experiment in 2023

No shampoo

No shampoo – Margaret Badore and Katherine Martinko face the “Not Shit” challenge. Below you can see how our writers feel after 31 days without fakes.

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Margaret’s no Pooh experience

I’m cute lazy when it comes to “beauty shit” in its entirety.

“It’s a routine. I can’t worry about shaving my legs and wearing very little makeup. Sure, I brush my teeth every day. I saw Katherine’s post about not using shampoo and thought I’d give it a try. She suggested. I didn’t. I didn’t.” experienced the ‘poop’ in the new year and left it to her. For January, we decided to skip the shampoo and go for a more natural way.

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I like the idea of ​​skipping both the shampoo and conditioner. Not only does it mean I use fewer products and take shorter showers, but it appeals to my laziness with personal care. I know some people replace their shampoo routine with baking soda and vinegar. But I wanted to go cold turkey and completely cut my daily hair wash.

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Stop Cold Turkey Shampoo

At about 2 am on New Year’s Eve, I started thinking again. I have fairly fine hair between a dirty blonde and a light brown, depending on how long I’ve been in the sun lately. It is prone to grease, so after about 12 hours, it becomes darker, heavier, and more sculptural. Wash. Before all this started, I washed my hair about every 24 hours.

I have read about No ‘Poo on various forums and blogs, and most people say that the transition period when the scalp adjusts to the absence of chemicals is the worst. It usually takes about two weeks. I felt terrible the first week, but the oil level stabilized after the third day.

It also didn’t look any better. It didn’t look terrible, but I had a stronger tendency to pull back with a ponytail when I went out. About two weeks later, my roommate said, “I don’t think I washed in two days.”

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I tried rinsing it with chamomile a couple of times, and it smelled good, but I couldn’t notice any difference in the oil level. I was worried that stopping the shampoo would affect my skin, but I’m happy to report that I haven’t had acne since starting the experiment.

Women with thick and curly hair report having much shinier and more manageable hair after they stop shampooing. My hair hasn’t improved since I washed it, but I’ve gotten used to it. I’m starting to a miracle if I need to redefine what it means to have a good head. Wouldn’t that be a more ethical and environmentally friendly option if you could get used to Greece? I missed the feeling of “flawless clean” and the lightness of freshly washed hair. Shallow? Am I a slave to justice for the beauty and cleanliness of our culture?

After 31 days, I decided turkey wasn’t for me.

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Fat Treatment

But before I get back to the bottle, I decided to try baking soda. I’m sorry, but I’m not going to put vinegar on the Internet. I have to soften my hair, but I can’t stand the smell. However, the baking soda will absorb the oil. So on February 1st, I mixed 1 cup of baking soda and 3 cups of hot water and sprinkled it on my hair in the shower.

It worked! The soda doesn’t really stay in the solution, and it feels a little rough, but I could tell my hair felt “squeaky” even when rinsing.

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Last Thought

After all, I’m not a total convert. I think No ‘Poo is probably great for people with different hair types. I’ll start looking for other natural alternatives after running out of the rest of the shampoo bottles I’ve overlooked in the shower over the past month. Maybe get a squeeze bottle to squeeze out the baking soda mixture.

Catherine’s no Pooh Experience

Reading Maggie’s post, I had to smile when she criticized me for letting us participate in the No Poo experiment. Sure, I wrote about No Poo in December and casually commented on possible experiments, but I didn’t mean that. Suddenly I realized that I was dedicated, and I was afraid of it.

Unlike Maggie, I’m a little obsessed with beauty products. Although she deciphered all my routines, I didn’t simplify them much. I keep applying eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara, lip gloss, and moisturizer every day. And the natural shampoo and conditioner were so excellent and fragrant! I have spent too much time and money at the pharmacy hairdresser, and now my addiction has shifted to online natural beauty stores like Saffron Rouge. So, the idea of ​​ditching the shampoo and opting for baking soda and apple cider vinegar wasn’t very appealing to me. First of all, too happy with the product.

It is spotless, and there is no need for shit.

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Used Shampoo

I generally wash my hair once every four days. So I kept that schedule. The last time I used shampoo was December 30th, so on the fourth day, I had enough grease in my hair to make a salad dressing. (Of course, I added vinegar to do precisely that …) But to my surprise, the baking soda cleaned my hair very well. It was creaky, degreased, and cleaned in a “light” sort of way. The vinegar smelled very strong during conditioning, but after rinsing, the smell went away and completely disappeared when my hair dried.

This is a photo of natural drying after washing your hair with baking soda and vinegar. Note: this is before adding coconut oil to tame curly hair! When I used shampoo, it would have been a much larger freezing ball. But now, it’s easier to manage, especially with coconut oil.

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Last Thought

It has been over 5 weeks since I started shampooing, and I will never use it again. My hair is very thick, curly, dry, and often frizzy. But for now, you can ditch the shampoo and need some coconut oil for easy maintenance. Since I started this experiment, I have hardly touched the iron and the soleplate.

This no Shampoo experiment caught the attention of many of my friends on my Facebook community. I received mixed reports from the six friends I joined, many of whom were pleasantly surprised by the benefits of baking soda and vinegar. The most successful experiments appear to have been done on people who don’t wash their hair often. If you are thinking of charitable it a try, we recommend that you stop shampooing every day first, work out every 3-4 days, and then relax with No Poo. Another modification is to mix Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap in a mixture of baking soda and water for better cleaning.

I will not convert to No Poo. And I will always be grateful to Maggie for tying me to this experiment against my will!

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