March 15, 2025

Mental Health of International Students in America – 2023

Creating Research Space

International students in America travel from their motherlands in various parts of the world, which can contribute to feelings of isolation and anxiety as they meet new people and adapt to the new environment. Hence, there is a need for international students to identify various coping mechanisms as adaptability determines their readiness to study and overall academic performance. This study assesses various coping strategies for international students in America as listed in various literature sources.

Composing Annotations

Geary, Danielle. “How do we get people to interact? International students and the American experience.” Journal of International Students 6.2 (2016): 527-541.

In this article, the author, Geary Danielle explores how to enhance interaction among international students. She reviews various literatures, which reveal that students must adapt to the new culture, academic system, and the new language to enhance their adaptability in the new culture. Geary agrees that social and cultural adjustments are overwhelming for international students leading to feelings of isolation. Hence, these students need help in adapting to the new culture and this help encompasses learning the new language, culture, and the education system. The article contributes to the current research question on how international students can address mental health issues arising from isolation from their friends and family members in their countries of origin.

Jackson, Michelle, Sukanya Ray, and Danica Bybell. “International students in the US: Social and psychological adjustment.” Journal of International Students 3.1 (2019): 17-28.

In this article, the authors Jackson, Ray, and Bybell investigate the purpose of such psychological constructs as self-esteem, coping, optimism, and social support and their roles in enhancing coping among international students. The authors used a survey, which revealed that international students use both positive and negative coping strategies in adjusting to the new environment. Lower self esteem, pessimism, and hopelessness were associated with depressive symptoms. The findings imply that positive psychological interventions such as engaging in activities to boost self esteem, optimism, and hope can promote positive copying of international students in the new culture.

Jones, Elspeth. “Problematising and reimagining the notion of ‘international student experience’.” Studies in Higher Education 42.5 (2017): 933-943.

Jones explores the impact of the traditional distinction of domestic and international students on the coping strategies of international students. He uses literature review analyses. The findings assert that indeed, classification of students as domestic and international increases anxiety among the international students. Hence, he proposes nuanced services as an effective approach to accommodate and include all students to lessen feelings of isolation and anxiety among international students.

Park, Namkee, and Hyunjoo Noh. “Effects of mobile instant messenger use on acculturative stress among international students in South Korea.” Computers in Human Behavior 82 (2018): 34-43.

In this article, Park and Hyunjoo investigate the purpose of social networking sites on perception to social support and satisfaction as factors of adaptation of international students. In particular, the authors investigated the impact of KakaoTalk, a local social networking site in South Korea and its impact on students’ adaptation. The findings showed that indeed, social networking sites enhance students’ positive feelings as they allow interaction with their families and friends at home hence lessening feelings of isolation. The findings contribute to the current investigation on approaches to enhance international students’ adaptation in the new environment.

Shu, Frank, Samuel T. McAbee, and Roya Ayman. “The HEXACO personality traits, cultural intelligence, and international student adjustment.” Personality and Individual Differences 106 (2017): 21-25.

In this article, Shu et al. investigate the impact of personality traits on international student adjustment. The authors used a survey, which revealed that the extroversion personality trait was associated with better adjustment to interaction with new students unlike other personalities. Thus, enhancement of extroversion traits can improve international students’ adaptability in the new country.

Yan, Kun. Chinese international students’ stressors and coping strategies in the United States. Springer Singapore, 2017.

In this research, the author, Yan investigates challenges that Chinese students undergo in international schools. He used a mixed method design to explore qualitative data from respondents. The findings attest that indeed, Chinese students encounter  language and cultural difficulties in new cultures. He proposes cultural acceptance and learning of the new language as coping strategies.

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International students in America – Research Space

The research question was to identify strategies that international students can apply to address feelings of isolation in international schools.  To create a space of opinion, it was imperative to incorporate various researches to support personal ideas. Emerging approaches include learning new culture and language and practicing positive psychological traits such as extroversion.

Works Cited

Geary, Danielle. “How do we get people to interact? International students and the American experience.” Journal of International Students 6.2 (2016): 527-541.

Jackson, Michelle, Sukanya Ray, and Danica Bybell. “International students in the US: Social and psychological adjustment.” Journal of International Students 3.1 (2019): 17-28.

Jones, Elspeth. “Problematising and reimagining the notion of ‘international student experience’.” Studies in Higher Education 42.5 (2017): 933-943.

Park, Namkee, and Hyunjoo Noh. “Effects of mobile instant messenger use on acculturative stress among international students in South Korea.” Computers in Human Behavior 82 (2018): 34-43.

Shu, Frank, Samuel T. McAbee, and Roya Ayman. “The HEXACO personality traits, cultural intelligence, and international student adjustment.” Personality and Individual Differences 106 (2017): 21-25.

Yan, Kun. Chinese international students’ stressors and coping strategies in the United States. Springer Singapore, 2017.

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