February 20, 2025

Things you must do before Hitting the Gym – 2024

We’re at a time of the year where revisiting your health goals becomes paramount. Have you been going to the gym regularly? Have you kept the burger away and the cold beer? If you’ve done all that, great, and congratulations. However, less than 20% of those who make health and fitness goals don’t keep them. Most of them are in high energy at the beginning of the year, but as time goes, the plans are swept under the carpet, and the old habits kick in. Whichever way, you can revisit your strategies and begin again.

Going to the gym is one of the best resolutions you made. This is what you need to do before every session for better results.

Throwing away some curse words

That letter word that slips in an intense round of burgees or when you’re munching those crunches is what this is all about. When you channel your inner sailor, you are helping power your workout. Research has proven that those who cursed when doing their workouts improved their performance on the treadmill. These increased their energy by 8% compared to the “clean” guys. Swearing provides that distraction that helps you push harder than you usually would. Next time you’re banging those last reps, try releasing those words you’re tempted to let go. The expletives could help power you through some extra rounds.

Get a prop

A simple way to increase the intensity of a workout and increase effectiveness is to add a prop. TRX, the dumbbells, weighted medicine balls, and such are available in a well-equipped and reputable gym. They up the intensity of your pushups and other energy-sapping styles like squats and crunches.

Make it competitive

One of the ways that will motivate you when working out is having a friend who encourages you. Everyone needs encouragement, and more so when at the gym. It can get boring, and many people give up after an intense workout, and you don’t see results.

Before you give up, it’s good you get a close friend who is also a gym enthusiast. They will hold your back when you think you’re not achieving and push you to work harder.

Competition will even motivate you to work more. A study has shown that those who work with competitive groups are more likely to attend the gym than others. When you see your competitor cut kilos, you have the urge to work harder to achieve your goals. It’s easy to give up on your goals with friends than when in a competitors’ group.

Also Read: How to Build Your Muscles Fast

Competitive groups help motivate exercise because of the high expectations.

Competition can also be through your inner competitor. Look for a fitness tracker and create challenges with your friends and competitors every week. You can also sign up for a race and set a personal time goal to work towards.

Up the intensity, cut-down workout time.

The time spent at the gym will only give you good results if properly utilized. Again, spending a lot of time working out may drain the energy in you, so you don’t have any left for serious exercises. Go to a highly intensive workout on the treadmill. Instead of spending an hour doing a moderate exercise, you could take 20 minutes of highly intensive workout; then bridge that will a few seconds of less intensive activity. That way, you shed more calories in a shorter span.

Do not just walk to the gym without a plan; read more. Look for activities that will help you achieve your objectives quickly. Get some soothing music on, something that motivates you to do more and gain a positive attitude as you kill stress and depression.

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