March 28, 2025

Common Conditions that Women Should Discuss with their Gynecologists

Your reproductive health can be tricky to maintain. It can be difficult to know if you have symptoms of a possible health issue. Even if you are experiencing issues that you may be embarrassed about, a gynecologist can help you. When you schedule an appointment for womens’ health services (gynecological exams, etc.), here are some things to keep in mind to discuss with your gynecologist.

Painful Menstrual Periods

For a lot of women, getting their menstrual period is an unpleasant experience. They suffer from breast soreness, cramps, and headaches. However, for some women, pain associated with the menstrual period can be quite serious. If you have painful periods, this could mean you have uterine fibroids or endometriosis. If your symptoms make it hard or even impossible for you to do daily tasks, you must see your doctor. The doctor can recommend options to help you make your condition less serious or more manageable.

Discomfort while Intercourse

While bringing up Intercourse discomfort with your gynecologist can be awkward, your doctor can help you understand your symptoms and treat the issue. Common causes of Intercourse discomfort include the following:

  • Vaginal dryness. Usually, vaginal dryness depends on your age and mitigating factors in your life. For instance, if a younger women on birth control experiences dryness, she may need to consider changing her birth control.
  • Pain during Intercourse. This can be addressed by changing positions to find a comfortable one. Also, lubricants may help with dryness. Otherwise, you must talk to your doctor for advice.
  • Vaginal odor. Vaginal odor is a topic that you may not want to talk about. But you must speak with your doctor when you experience it, especially if the vaginal odor last for a long time. Changes or undesirable odors in your vagina can indicate an infection or bacterial overgrowth.
  • Vaginal swelling. Sometimes, you can have a pimple, an ingrown hair, or a cut from shaving. Usually, bumps are benign; however, you must undergo an exam whenever you feel something. While genital warts can be visible for a while, herpes lesions can take up to fourteen days to heal. Thus, you need to visit your doctor when you experience an outbreak.
  • Whether you experience fecal or urinary incontinence, either of these conditions can be quite stressful. These symptoms are common after childbirth, especially if a woman has a big baby or her delivery requires the use of a vacuum or forceps. Such symptoms may become worse when a woman enters menopause.

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