March 10, 2025

6 Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms and Solutions – 2024

Nutrient – We want a life full of gifts and fulfillment. We want to receive everything that the universe offers, yet we do not resonate with our actions. And also, we fail to observe how each habit of ours has somehow deteriorated our body and its response. We fail to notice the symptoms and signals that our body is warning us with; we tend to ignore the signs and, in turn, forget to bring in the change required for a healthy body and happy lifestyle. It starts with you.

Even the slightest failure of organs will cause you to break down, and hence it is vital to care for your system to keep it working smoothly. Fuel it with junk, and it will rust, fuel it with nutrition, and it will serve you for a long time.

Vitamins and nutrient are present in micro amounts, yet they are responsible for some of the most vital bodily functions. Hence, you must pay close attention to consume the necessary nutrients to keep your body cabinet filled to the optimum.

Most common nutrient deficiency:

Vitamin D: There is an alarming vitamin D deficiency in people living on the northern side of the earth. Around 70% of Canadians suffer from vitamin D deficiency and can easily be corrected by extra time outside each morning.

Usually, we cover ourselves in the sun and use sunscreen for protection which reduces vitamin D production. Skin exposed produces vitamin D in response to the sunlight via cholesterol present underneath.

Deficiency may cause poor bone health, osteoporosis, and lower calcium absorption. Therefore, you must compensate for the supply of Vitamin D with supplements readily available at Canadian pharmacy.

Vitamin B12: it is a water-soluble vitamin that is necessary for blood formation and DNA. If you are a vegan, some of these symptoms may alarm you, so get your B12 in check: a pale-yellowtinge to your skin, a sore and red tongue (glossitis), and mouth ulcers.

B12 is abundant in animal food sources but not in plant-based food; it is also not synthesized in the body but is vital for the brain and nerve system to function efficiently. You may also take supplements but get your dose adjusted from your doctor to avoid side effects.

Iron: The human body requires only a tiny quantity of iron, and hence it can be challenging to detect deficiency. But the symptoms of iron deficiency will show up if you don’t catch and counter it in time. Iron components in red blood cells bind with the hemoglobin and assist in oxygen supply to the organs and muscles.

Each person has 10% of its weight as blood; iron is most definitely necessary to supply oxygen to its parts. Lack of which causes anemia and weakness that is hard to substitute and cover up.

Heme iron: The human body easily absorbs heme iron. It is found in red meat and animal food.

Non-heme iron: plant-based iron is also found in animals; the human body does not easily absorb it.

Children, menstruating women, vegans are the ones with the most cases of iron deficiency. This is because children are picky eaters, women lose blood, and vegans do not consume animal food rich in iron.

Consume Red meat, shellfish, beans, seeds, and leafy vegetables. Or iron supplements. You must add vitamin C-rich foods in addition to iron-clad foods as it allows iron absorption.

Iodine: it is a very tricky nutrient as high amounts of iodine in your body are just as harmful, if not more, as low doses of iodine cause swelling of the thyroid gland, sudden weight gain, increase in heart rate, and irregular periods.

Iodine helps the thyroid produce hormones that balance your mood and characteristics; it use in the stomach lining and mammary glands to help regulate bodily functions. It also promotes body, bone, and brain growth.

Even with iodine as a necessity to our body, it depends on external sources of iodine to fulfill its requirements. So the easiest solution is table salt. But you must check the packaging if it processed with iodine.

Add seaweed salad, a sprinkle of dulse on your greens, or some kombu to your daily diet to regulate the supply of iodine to your body daily. The recommended dose for iodine is 150 mcg. You may also resort to supplements for your supply.

Calcium: Calcium deficiency is sometimes the response to low levels of vitamin D in our body. Essential for bone health, calcium can be procured from milk and milk products, soy drinks, and leafy greens. Also, vitamin D enables the calcium to remain absorbed and utilized, making sure you consume these two supplements complementary to each other.

Magnesium: it require in trace amounts but for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It assists in nerve functions, immunity functioning, and much more. But even with dietary regulations, magnesium intake is confoundingly low in almost 50% of Americans. It helps regulate digestion, sleep, mental health, and cardiovascular activities.

As the magnesium in the soil has been on the low since the decreasing soil quality, plants absorb lower amounts of magnesium, which lowers the nutrient value of the plant food itself. As a result, humans are not consuming enough plants to fill up on the magnesium requirements.

Other factors that affect magnesium levels in the human body are coffee, alcohol, salt that influences urine excretion, and magnesium from the body. Sugar, phosphoric acid (soda), chronic stress, antibiotics, and diuretics are further responsible for depleting magnesium levels. Antacids further negate the absorption of magnesium.

You can counter this by including dark chocolate, legumes, tofu, nuts, avocados, and whole grains. You must start eating clean as processed foods stripped of all their nutrient value.


You must take care of your body first to enjoy your life to the maximum. Your body enables you and hence is your ticket to a happy and long life. Therefore, ensure you give your body only the best and keep yourself active to avoid lethargy and unhealthy weight gain.

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